Each design in my collection is a heartfelt tribute to the incredible women in my family, each one a stitch in the quilt of my life. Together, these women have shaped my artistic journey, imbuing each project with love, history, and inspiration
Willard had a very large collection of teapots, she did not however enjoy tea. She preferred coffee. She also did not like Blueberries… please see Mildred’s bio for more information. She made more cathedral quilts than you can count and best greens beans and sourdough biscuits.
One of my Great Aunts, had a u-pick blueberry patch that Willard had to help with because no one wanted to pick their own. She also had turkeys that loved the blueberries, she kept a 22 pistol in her apron that she used to deter them from snacking on her berries. She also made the most amazing cinnamon rolls.
One of my Great Aunts, Dixie is the youngest of my Granny’s siblings. On Friday nights she used to make my dad and his cousins peanut butter and jelly. She mixed the grape jelly into the peanut butter to make a purple paste, smeared it on wonder bread then served it all with a Dr. Pepper
My aunt, makes the BEST caramel cake I’ve ever had. She is an avid traveler and explorer.
One of Great Grandmothers, she and her husband had an egg farm. My dad has fond memories of her fried chicken dinners. She made quilts and had quilting bees regularly using a frame hanging from the ceiling. She and her daughters Mildred, Willard, Genice, Faye, Christene and Dixie worked on them together. My dad remembers them sewing together for what felt like hours as a kid.
One of my Great Grandmothers, She loved sweets. I can remember loving going to visit as a kid because there were always candy dishes full of orange slice candy and ribbon candy. I have her aluminum Christmas tree and use it every year.
One of my Great aunts. She, Willard, Dixie and Mildred had a job sewing wrangler jeans and t-shirts together at Bluebell Factory in town.
One of my Great Aunts, met her husband at Arizona State and moved to Canada with him. They used to visit and bring my dad little treasures. They gave us one of my favorite wedding gifts, a crystal bowl with circles etched into it.
Billy Sue
One of my Great Aunts, passed away at 12 from Scarlett Fever.
One of my Great Great Grandmothers, she was born in 1887. She was Mary’s Mother.
Helon + Helen
My great aunts, twins that dressed alike and got their hair done together. Helen made cheese toast for breakfast on a cookie pan in the oven. Helon and her daughter Ginger had midnight snack, ice was crushed, cokes were opened and sliced cheese was eat.
My Grandmother, She was a very athletic women, mountain climbing, Tennis and Swimming were all part of her routine. She was never without a project in her hands, gardening, crafting- embroidery, sewing quilts, crocheting, and knitting. She loved deserts- especially chocolate ones. One cake recipe that the family still uses is “Vera’s cake” it was known to have won several cooking contests in the past.
We had dinners with her almost every Sunday growing up. She had a special bread box that she kept treats in. There were always rugelach and riesen candies inside. Right next to that bread box was a jar of chocolate chip cookies that if you were really really lucky you got to have one.
One of my Great Grandmothers, at one point in time, she was a hairdresser on Ohio. In the 40’s she was selected as a model for a Mother’s Day Promotion that even was on the side of buses in the Cincinnati area. She was quite the golfer in the 60’s-70’s. She became a snowbird later to avoid the really Cold, snowy weather in Ohio, heading down to Florida for several months of the year.
My Great Grandmother, she also loved gardening and was still raking leaves in her backyard at the age of 94. Her California neighbor Victor Was the director of the Arboretum and shared his knowledge with her about plants. She was quite active with the hospital auxiliary in Sierra Madre and volunteered into her 80’s. At Thanksgiving, She and Eva looked forward to cooking the meal and sharing recipes.
One of my Great Great Grandmothers, she was Nelle’s Mother and was born in 1879.
My Great Great Aunt, her favorite exclamation about food was “Delish!! She and her sister Kathryn also played a very heated game of Hearts and Peanuts- penny a point.